December 19


How to Use a Chainsaw Mill

By Matt

December 19, 2023

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Chainsaw milling is a cost-effective way to obtain lumber and can be a rewarding skill to master. In this guide, we will go step-by-step through the chainsaw milling process, providing tips and guidance to help you use a chainsaw mill safely and effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Chainsaw milling is a cost-effective way to obtain lumber for woodworking projects.
  • Proper safety measures, including wearing safety gear and receiving proper training, are crucial when using a chainsaw mill.
  • Maintaining your chainsaw, planning your cuts, and mastering cutting techniques can improve efficiency and accuracy.
  • Choosing the right chainsaw mill and utilizing accessories can enhance your chainsaw milling experience.
  • With practice and experience, you can become proficient in chainsaw milling and create beautiful wood pieces for your projects.

What is Chainsaw Milling?

Chainsaw milling is a woodworking technique that involves cutting trees into slabs or boards for various building projects. It is commonly used in urban logging, where trees that are cut down in residential areas are salvaged instead of being turned into firewood or mulch. Chainsaw milling offers a cost-effective and sustainable way to obtain custom wood pieces while preserving trees.

This process begins with selecting a suitable log and setting up the necessary equipment, including a chainsaw, chainsaw bar and chain, and a saw mill or guide rails. The first cut is crucial, as it establishes a level surface for subsequent cuts. After the first cut, the guide rails can be removed, and more cuts can be made to mill the log into slabs or boards.

Chainsaw milling provides the opportunity to create unique wood pieces that can be used for a variety of projects, such as furniture, flooring, and decorative items. The milled slabs or boards need to be properly dried before they can be used, ensuring stability and reducing the risk of warping or cracking. With proper training and safety measures, chainsaw milling can be a rewarding skill for woodworking enthusiasts.

Table: Benefits of Chainsaw Milling

Benefits Description
Cost-effective Chainsaw milling allows you to obtain lumber at a lower cost compared to purchasing pre-cut boards.
Customizable You can mill logs into slabs or boards of various thicknesses and sizes, creating unique wood pieces for your projects.
Sustainable By salvaging trees through urban logging, chainsaw milling helps reduce waste and promotes the use of renewable resources.
Preserves Trees Instead of turning trees into firewood or mulch, chainsaw milling allows for the preservation of trees and their incorporation into woodworking projects.
DIY Opportunity Chainsaw milling gives woodworking enthusiasts the chance to create their own lumber and be involved in the entire process from tree to finished product.

Equipment Needed for Chainsaw Milling

Before you can begin chainsaw milling, it’s important to gather the necessary equipment. Here are the essential tools and gear you’ll need:

  • Chainsaw: Choose a chainsaw with high power and a longer bar for efficient cutting. Look for a model that is suitable for milling.
  • Chainsaw Bar and Chain: Invest in a chainsaw bar and chain specifically designed for milling. These tools are built to withstand the demands of cutting through logs.
  • Saw Mill or Guide Rails: To ensure accurate and level cuts, you’ll need a saw mill or guide rails. These provide support and stability for your chainsaw during the milling process.
  • Safety Gear: Safety should always be a top priority when chainsaw milling. Equip yourself with a mask to protect against dust and debris, hearing protection to preserve your hearing, and proper protective clothing to prevent injuries.

By having the right equipment, you can ensure a safe and successful chainsaw milling experience.

Table: Equipment Needed for Chainsaw Milling

Equipment Description
Chainsaw A high-powered chainsaw with a longer bar for efficient cutting. Look for a model suitable for milling.
Chainsaw Bar and Chain A bar and chain specifically designed for milling. These tools are built to withstand the demands of cutting through logs.
Saw Mill or Guide Rails A saw mill or guide rails for support and stability during the milling process. These ensure accurate and level cuts.
Safety Gear Protective gear including a mask, hearing protection, and proper clothing to ensure safety during chainsaw milling.

Having the right equipment is crucial for a successful chainsaw milling project. Make sure to invest in high-quality tools and prioritize safety at all times.

The Chainsaw Milling Process

The chainsaw milling process involves several steps to transform logs into usable slabs or boards. Understanding each step and following the proper techniques is essential for creating high-quality lumber. Let’s explore the chainsaw milling process in detail:

1. First Cut

The first cut is crucial in establishing a level surface for subsequent cuts. It sets the foundation for milling the log into slabs or boards. To make the first cut, set up guide rails or a saw mill to guide the chainsaw along a straight path. This initial cut should be precise and aligned with the desired width of the slabs.

2. Subsequent Cuts

Once the first cut is complete, you can remove the guide rails and continue making subsequent cuts to mill the log into slabs or boards. Plan your cuts strategically to avoid the pith (center of the log) and minimize the risk of splitting. Remember to maintain a steady rhythm and control the saw throughout the cutting process to ensure clean and accurate cuts.

3. Drying Slabs

After the milling process, the freshly cut slabs or boards need to be dried before they can be used for woodworking projects. Proper drying prevents warping and ensures the stability and quality of the wood. There are various methods for drying slabs, including air drying and kiln drying. Air drying typically takes months or even years, while kiln drying is a faster process that can be completed in a controlled environment.

Step Description
First Cut Establish a level surface for subsequent cuts by making the initial cut with guide rails or a saw mill.
Subsequent Cuts Remove guide rails and continue making cuts to mill the log into slabs, avoiding the pith and minimizing splitting.
Drying Slabs Dry the freshly cut slabs or boards to prevent warping and ensure stability before using them for woodworking projects.

By following the chainsaw milling process, you can transform logs into beautiful, custom wood pieces for your woodworking projects. Remember to prioritize safety, use proper equipment, and maintain focus throughout the milling process to achieve the best results.

Chainsaw Milling Safety Measures

When it comes to chainsaw milling, safety should be your top priority. This process can be hazardous if proper precautions aren’t taken. By following essential safety measures, you can ensure a safe and accident-free chainsaw milling experience.

Safety Gear

Wearing the right safety gear is crucial when operating a chainsaw mill. Make sure to wear a hard hat to protect your head from falling debris. Goggles or a face shield will shield your eyes from flying wood chips, while ear protection will prevent hearing damage from the intense noise of the chainsaw. Additionally, wearing protective clothing, such as gloves and chainsaw chaps, will protect your body from potential injuries.

Proper Training

Before using a chainsaw mill, it’s essential to receive proper training from an experienced professional. Chainsaw milling requires specific techniques and knowledge to operate the equipment safely and effectively. Seek guidance from experts or consider enrolling in a chainsaw milling course to learn the necessary skills and precautions.

Maintain Focus

During the chainsaw milling process, it’s crucial to remain focused and attentive to your surroundings. Avoid distractions and take regular breaks to prevent fatigue, which can lead to accidents. Maintain a clear mind and concentrate on the task at hand to ensure precise and safe cuts.

Safety Measures Description
Safety Gear Wear a hard hat, goggles or a face shield, ear protection, and protective clothing.
Proper Training Get trained by an experienced professional or enroll in a chainsaw milling course.
Maintain Focus Stay focused, avoid distractions, and take regular breaks to prevent fatigue.

Tips for Efficient Chainsaw Milling

Efficient chainsaw milling requires a combination of proper techniques, best practices, and regular chainsaw maintenance. By following these tips, you can improve your milling process and achieve better results.

1. Maintain Your Chainsaw

Regular chainsaw maintenance is essential for efficient milling. Keep the chain sharp and properly tensioned to ensure clean and precise cuts. Use the appropriate bar and chain oil to lubricate the chain and reduce friction. Regularly inspect the chainsaw for any damage or wear and replace any worn-out parts. Proper maintenance will not only improve your milling efficiency but also extend the lifespan of your chainsaw.

2. Plan Your Cuts

Before starting the milling process, take the time to plan your cuts. Measure and mark the log accurately to minimize waste and maximize the use of each slab. Consider the size and thickness of the desired wood pieces and plan your cuts accordingly. By having a clear cutting strategy, you can save time and ensure optimal results.

3. Master Proper Cutting Techniques

Mastering proper cutting techniques is crucial for efficient chainsaw milling. Maintain a steady rhythm and controlled movement as you guide the chainsaw through the log. Avoid forcing the saw or making abrupt movements that can lead to inaccuracies or accidents. Practice maintaining control while cutting and adjust your approach as needed to achieve clean and smooth cuts.

By implementing these tips and incorporating them into your chainsaw milling practice, you can enhance your efficiency and produce high-quality wood pieces for your projects.

Choosing the Right Chainsaw Mill

When it comes to chainsaw milling, choosing the right chainsaw mill is essential for achieving optimal results. There are different types of chainsaw mills available, each with its own features and specifications. To make an informed decision, there are several factors you should consider.

One important factor to consider is the size of the logs you’ll be milling. Different chainsaw mills have varying capacities, so it’s crucial to choose a mill that can handle the size of logs you’ll be working with. Additionally, consider the power of your chainsaw. A more powerful chainsaw will have a greater cutting capacity and will be able to handle larger logs more efficiently.

Another factor to consider is the intended use of the finished wood product. Different types of chainsaw mills produce different types of cuts, such as slabs or boards. Consider whether you’ll be using the wood for furniture, construction, or other projects, and choose a mill that can produce the desired cut for your specific needs.

Types of Chainsaw Mills

There are several types of chainsaw mills to choose from, including portable chainsaw mills, frame chainsaw mills, and vertical chainsaw mills. Portable chainsaw mills are lightweight and easy to transport, making them ideal for on-site milling. Frame chainsaw mills are more stable and offer greater precision, but they are less portable. Vertical chainsaw mills are used for milling larger logs and are often stationary.

Now that you understand the factors to consider and the types of chainsaw mills available, you can make an informed decision based on your specific needs. Choosing the right chainsaw mill will ensure that you have the necessary equipment to successfully and efficiently mill your logs into usable lumber for your woodworking projects.

Accessories for Chainsaw Milling

When it comes to chainsaw milling, having the right accessories can greatly enhance your experience and productivity. These accessories are designed to improve cutting speed, accuracy, and overall efficiency. Let’s take a closer look at some must-have accessories for chainsaw milling:

Ripping Chain

The ripping chain is specially designed for chainsaw milling. It features larger cutting teeth with a different angle than a standard chain, allowing for faster and smoother cutting through logs. Using a ripping chain can significantly increase your cutting speed and produce cleaner cuts. It’s an essential accessory for anyone serious about chainsaw milling.

First Cut Guides

When making the first cut in chainsaw milling, it’s crucial to have accurate and stable guide rails. First cut guides are designed to assist with stabilizing the chainsaw and ensuring a level surface for the initial cut. They provide extra support and guidance, making it easier to create a straight and even starting point for your milling process.

Mill Extensions

If you plan on milling larger logs, mill extensions are a valuable accessory to consider. These extensions attach to your chainsaw mill, extending the cutting length and allowing you to tackle logs of greater size. With mill extensions, you can increase your milling capacity and take on more substantial woodworking projects.

Accessory Description
Ripping Chain A specialized chainsaw chain designed for chainsaw milling, allowing for faster and cleaner cuts.
First Cut Guides Stabilizing guide rails that assist with creating a level surface for the initial cut in chainsaw milling.
Mill Extensions Extensions that attach to your chainsaw mill, enabling you to mill larger logs by extending the cutting length.

These accessories can greatly improve your chainsaw milling process, making it more efficient, precise, and enjoyable. By investing in the right accessories, you can enhance your cutting speed, achieve cleaner cuts, and take on larger milling projects. Remember to choose accessories that are compatible with your chainsaw mill and always prioritize safety when using them.


Chainsaw milling is a versatile and cost-effective method for obtaining lumber for woodworking projects. By following proper safety measures, using the right equipment, and mastering the techniques, you can successfully use a chainsaw mill to turn logs into beautiful wood pieces.

Throughout the milling process, prioritize safety by wearing the appropriate gear and receiving proper training. Remember to plan your cuts carefully to avoid splitting and maximize the use of each log. Maintaining your chainsaw and using the right bar and chain oil will ensure efficient cutting.

In summary, chainsaw milling offers a rewarding experience for woodworkers, combining the joy of working with natural materials and the satisfaction of creating custom pieces. With practice and attention to detail, you can become proficient in chainsaw milling and unlock the potential of every log.


Q: What is chainsaw milling?

A: Chainsaw milling is the process of cutting logs into slabs or boards using a chainsaw. It allows for the salvaging of trees and the creation of custom wood pieces.

Q: What equipment do I need for chainsaw milling?

A: You will need a chainsaw with high power, a chainsaw bar and chain designed for milling, a saw mill or guide rails, and safety gear such as a mask and protective clothing.

Q: How does the chainsaw milling process work?

A: The process begins with making the first cut to create a level surface. Subsequent cuts are made to mill the log into slabs. The slabs need to be dried before use.

Q: What safety measures should I take when chainsaw milling?

A: Always wear safety gear, receive proper training, and maintain focus during the milling process to prevent accidents and injuries.

Q: Are there any tips for efficient chainsaw milling?

A: Maintain your chainsaw, take accurate measurements, plan your cuts, and master proper cutting techniques to improve efficiency and accuracy.

Q: How do I choose the right chainsaw mill?

A: Consider factors such as log size, chainsaw power, and intended use of the finished wood product when choosing a chainsaw mill.

Q: What accessories can enhance my chainsaw milling experience?

A: Ripping chain, first cut guides, and mill extensions are some accessories that can improve cutting speed, stability, and cutting length.

About the author

Upon moving to an off-grid homestead in the mountains of Colorado, I suddenly needed to saw, chop, and split a whole lotta firewood.

I wasn’t very impressed with the information I could find online. After three years using a chainsaw and cutting cord after cord of wood, I decided to create the website about chainsaws that I wished existed.

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